Sunday, December 20, 2009

What a difference a day makes

first shot is #8 tee box, all water
logged, then you can see the tee box
advertising sign, bench and ball
washer, then the end of #8 cart path.
OH MY, Saturday shows the ball
washer/bench and water shed above
water, as well as an open cart path.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The most unusual

item that I saw, ROLLING DOWN THAT
BLUE HIGHWAY from Iowa to Mercedes....

Can you tell what it is?

The parrots

of Llano Grande and the RGV, Rio Grande Valley.
Anywhere from 715 to 9 am, they arrive. It depends
on the weather. In the evening, around 5 pm, same
thing. Turn off my music and listen to the noise.
These videos are from about 100 feet from the
wires and the tree. The squawking is from the
entire crowd of birds.....what is it? A flock
of parrots as opposed to a flock of seagulls?
When they roll in, in the afternoon, there
are so many people outside to watch and listen
and laugh. The flock might be 100 or more
birds....this time the downloads worked, but
I didn't know which ones were longer.I might
try to download more, but this winter life in
Texas is so crazy, I don't have as much free
time as I do back in snow country...carry on.....

More Parrots at Llano

Daily entertainment

Happy Hour Entertainment

Morning alarm clock

Friday, December 11, 2009

Where are my

parrots? It took about 10 minutes to download
about 23 secs of video and then it disappeared..
Go Figure.....will try again.........

Christmas in the park

I hope I picked the best parrot video. Yes, about 100 or
more parrots flyin around 7-9 am every morning and around
5 pm every night, unless it is cold. Then they hide under
As for the moose on the loose.......hahahaha