Saturday, October 17, 2009

36 hours and counting

until I hit the road......YES!!! SWEET!!!

I was happy today, reading the "Your 2 Cents Worth"
column this morning. There are a lot of folks
that are OPEN minded, considering our government.

One caller said, "I have to laugh. With all of the
GOP bashing, the Democrats must be frustrated. Wise
up--it's not Democrats against Republicans anymore.
It's individuals of all political affiliations who
want what's right for this country and those
that don't. Stop hearing only what you want to hear
and listen to everything that is being said." signed,
True Patriot

A DM Senior called to say " It is good to know there
is one Republican that can think for herself and her
constituents. Ms. Snow. The rest need to remember
what people were voting for last November: health care."

A Pella Patriot commented, "Why is it that if I disagree
with you, you think I hate you? Why all this name calling and
enmity between political opponents? If I disagree with
your policies, why do you think I hate my country? Why
can't we sit at the table and have civil discussions
with each other anymore?"

"Lest we forget, before bin Laden, we had Yasser Arafat,
at one time the no. 1 terrorist in the world. He won the
Nobel peace prize, too." From Real Des Moines Man

Finally, an independent voter called in to comment,
"All you Obama fans: Unemployment is 10%, and will soon
be 12%. No job creation is happening. America needs tax cuts
and Ronald Reagan. The worst is yet to come."

This is what I LOVE about America.....everyone has their
own opinions. We can express what we believe and we won't
be beat up or thrown in jail or hanged for our beliefs...

Carry on my friends...........