Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bucky has a New Name

He is a week old and I have not mentioned it yet. My dear friends Mark and Marla
are grandparents! Baby Bucky, so nicknamed by his Granny Nanny while in the
womb, was born 15 days early, on a Holiday, Jan 15, 722 AM, 8 lb 8 oz, 19",
brownish hair, blonde eyelashes and brown eyes. Granny wanted to be in the
delivery room, but Bucky had different ideas. They were back in Iowa and had
to wait out the snow and ice thru Iowa, Mo and Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas,
before they left Dayton again. All is well in AZ, Granny has her babe in arms.

PS. His new name is Andrew Jacob Thiel, he will be called Drew since Dad
is Andrew also.....I wonder if Dad Andy's middle name is Jacob?

Rock the cradle.......


Marla said...

Dad Andy's middle name is Lawrence, so Drew is not a "junior". By the way, he is still REALLY cute today. :-) Our AZ weather is much better today with full sun. I am in shorts!!

Cyndy said...

When does he turn handsome?
We have sun today also, finally. I figured
during the last two weeks we have had
about 4 hours of sunshine!