Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

I hope ya'll rang in the new year in a
great way. I did, as usual, hooked up
two TVs so I could watch lots of football.
I love the Rose Bowl Parade and completely
forgot to attend the Polar Bear Dip on the
Island, at noon. Didn't know if I would go
all the way into the water, or just a short,
or just take pictures..........anyway,
i forgot! the wind was blowing seriously.
Maybe 30 MPH. I went for a walk before the
Rose Bowl Game and found a lot of people
down by the jetties. Lots of body surfers
and people fishing. Watching the waves
crash on the rocks was wonderful. I
continued on down to the beach, where I
ran head on into the wind and sand in my
face. Only a few vehicles of gawkers, so I
headed back to the Breeze for my cameras.
Of course, this time I was smarter, I drove
Big Red. shot some video and took some still
shots, but forgot to check the camera settings
and only found a couple shots good to print.
didn't make it through the Hawaii game, neither
did the newspaper, who won?