Saturday, March 01, 2014


that I have not made even one post this winter.  Part of the problem was the weather.  From the middle of December to the first of February, the weather was rotten. Therefore, I wasn't able to
go on any photo shoots.  Didn't get in the pool. didn't get to play much was a bummer.

Spring has begun now, with the trees budding out, some new birds flying around as well as a
many golf balls.  I have friends here from Ankeny and we golf once a week in Harlingen.  I tied my all time low score a couple weeks ago, a fine 77.  I double bogeyed a par three when I hurried a putt, didn't set up, just tapped at it.......dumb!  I should have had a par and that would have changed the score card in my frame at home, as lowest ever. 

Things are changing here at Llano Grande, not on the positive side........I just paid off my truck/car after 6 years and I am thrilled.  That extra money will go into a savings account to buy my last home someplace here in the RGV, a mobile home.....

I spent last week end on the island, my usual trip for a couple nights to go to the Market Days and spend most of the time on the beach and taking pictures of sunrise and sunset.  Unfortunately, it was foggy most of the week end, but 75 or better.  The sun finally broke thru the clouds on Monday evening so I could get some sunset shots.

the work season has one month to go and it will be long and more stressful.  the boss's wife that helps with parties and ordering broke her leg and had surgery today.  She will be in a wheel chair for at least 3 months.  That might mean more work hours, I hope not too many more hours, but I have volunteered to make the Manitoba Open a success.  I will be here into May, if the weather gets better in Iowa.  I don't want to be here until July, but if it is still snowing in Iowa..........I won't be traveling north.....