As I reported, it has been a while since my last post. The Brothers and I went on a road trip UP NORTH, northern Wisconsin, to visit our cousin Mark and his wife Mary. A day trip was to the UP of Michigan, activity from kayaking, roasting marshmellows, and sunset on the lake by their home away from home. Finally, as noted below, the Dutcher/Perry afternoon party at the Clipper......carry on........
Lake Superior activity. At the beach on Lake Superior. The path from the Lake to the House. Looking out the backdoor the night it rained, quite humid that night while playing UNO. My point of view on the kayak Lily pads that I found while in my kayak. JEff watching cousin Mark help Greg out of the kayak. Jeff and Mary on the dock watching Greg paddle by. For nearly 25 years, we four girls have been golfing together in league and out of league days. This year's trip to HOney Creek in Boone, Iowa, wad very memorable. Sharon was on a slight incline, approaching the golf cart and forgot to your head Sharon. I thought she knocked herself out cold from the sound of the clunk and she went backwards in a sitting position. The bottle of ice did wonders, keeping the swelling down. PMS in red, Joyce in Black and yours truly in blue. This week was the Dutcher/Perry reunion. Both Suzi and Steve were in Iowa for family reunions. So, I set up a mini party in the afternoon for us the all visit. Top to bottom: Lois and Anne, Lynn-Jo-Cyndy-Suzi and bottom Diane, Jo and Lynn.
6 years ago
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