Friday, October 09, 2009

I am thinking it

is really getting time to head south. My
Cedar Falls friends called today, they are on the
road and will probably roll into Llano tomorrow
or early Sunday. Easy ride when you have two drivers.
Possible snow tomorrow and a hard freeze
is predicted, so I did yard work today.
I was hoping for a good day to put the plastic
on the outside of the lanai, today was perfect.
However, after more than four hours of work in the yard,
the bod aches.....I might have to drink some
brandy before I hit the sack, to ease/relax the far as the Nobel prize is
concerned. How can they give the award to BO?
Nominations were due on Jan 30, 10 days after he
took office. Just what did he do in those
10 days to deserve this honor? I am confused.
And what is the charity that he will donate
the money to? But as Senator McCain stated,
now he has to go to work and get the job done
and earn this honor.....Sunday is a foursome
golf event, but with temps are expected to be at 25....
sorry way the
money and use it for gas to get back
home in the Rio Grande Valley......I am
loving the baseball playoffs and the "drama"
of the Presidents Cup golf....another
event for the rich....which reminds me....
golf is back in the Olympics, so can we have
amateur golfers? Why do the pros get the shot
at this big event? I am all for getting
the Olympics back to amateur status....

Carry on......stay warm......