Friday, November 21, 2008

It's A Goofy Job

Time to go to work, let's fire up the golf cart and head to
the West pool.

The first job is to arrange the chairs and lounges, push
them back to fence, put backs up, then

we take the chemical readings, for chlorine, ph, and TA

and be sure to log the readings. Once a week we use this
blue bottle of scale be gone to scrub around the inside
top of the pools.

Next we walk around the pool and clean the skimmer
baskets. These baskets collect the junk that falls into the
pool daily, leaves, tree limbs, hair, bugs, flowers and the
occasional FROG!

Next, I get my scrub brush, attach it to a 10 foot pole
and begin scrubbing from top of pool, down about
5 feet.

I am done scrubbing and have to bring out the vacuum
hose. it is a pain! always twists up and I have to straighten
it out daily and throw it into the pool.

I have hooked up the vacuum to another 20 foot pole and
next I will attach the hose to the vacuum and fill the hose
with water from one of the water spouts in the pool.

Do I have to reach down there and unhook the hose?
Yes, this is where one end of the vacuum hose is hooked
up, to the internal vacuum.

Pool should be at 88 degrees, down a little tonight.

This is the pool pump, only one at the West pool.Where I
am sitting is the gauge to check pressure. If low or high,
over 15, I have to back wash the pool. turn off heater, turn
off power, move that black handle on the right, turn on
the power, back wash for one minute, turn power off, move
black handle back to original spot, turn on power and heater.

Last job is to open this tube and check the chlorine levels.
Keep your face away or you will have big breathing problems.
also check that clear top pump basket and clean out, turn off
the power first.

You can see the vacuum pole and hose in the water, push
it in and out to center of pool to pick up the crud that has
blown in during the day and now......
The West Pool is clean and beautiful again. Every other
night we wash down the deck, unless windy and there is
a lot of debris on the deck........Off to the North Pool,
usually around 1030 PM, it has taken me just over one
hour to clean up the West Pool.