This is the sign and barricade that has been keeping us
off the new trail, until today, when I arrived, I was so happy to see all the signs DOWN, however, I could see
ahead of me, a motor vehicle on the former railroad track.
I took several photos of the neighborhood, so I can reshoot
next summer, to see how much farm land has been destroyed
while down SOUTH.
The man was doing last minute work on the fences where
we cross the criks in the area, some people think they are
signs: stop signs, no motor vehicle signs, etc.,this is the
approach to a gravel road. We get cement across the gravel.
the bikers and CARS, so that both will be safe. some of the
crossing points are at an angle, so the bikers will slow down
and look.
On my way back, the man is still working. I did see where
someone dumped some carpet, hummmmmmm, I wonder
if there have been some parties along the bike trail? Distance
from this bridge? Odometer read 7.41 and when I arrived at
First street it read 10.74......3.33 miles.....
where the family homes begin. Weds I will make the ride to
Polk City, I heard it is a seven mile ride, making it about a
16 mile ride total, from my home. when the entire route is
finished, it will be a 40 mile route from Ankeny to Woodward.
Part of the route will go over the river and a new bridge is
being built, three stories high. I assume that is from the
bottom of the water! I will keep ya'll updated next summer
when I get home from the SOUTH........carry on..........
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