Polk County supervisor awarded Shawn a plaque for accomplishments and named September
as "Shawn Johnson Month" which will also be done for Lolo Jones....
Here's the hardware, a little too far away for a great close up photo.
Tee shirt for Keith, "Sorry Costas.maybe 2012" No committment yet, parents will be there,
but were clearly exhausted by it all, especially media "paparazzi" in China.
Tee shirt gun helped Shawn disperse a couple dozen autographed tee shirts to the crowd.
Hello Des Moines and Polk County. Backstage she saw the monitor and wondered why they
were watching the Democrat Convention, she was told this is Wells Fargo and Shawn was
shocked so many people were on hand to greet her.
Pilot of plane in Chicago to NYC and Letterman was so excited, he cracked his head on something and had to be taken to the hospital for stitches and a concussion!
Questions from Keith about Olympic trip. She met Vince Vaughn and was shocked
that he knew who she was, she was "freaked out".
After the interview, resting on stage.
Shawn's coaches, Chow Head Olympic team coach and wife Li, Shawn's beam coach.
Chow is an IOWA grad, not as they said on TV, from ISU......
The opened the top two floors for the fans, only expected 2,000, which is the number that
showed up for Nastia's event in Texas.Local NBC affiliate was one of the sponsors, they
broadcast the entire event live for one hour. Home folks missed the last half hour. Shawn is
ready to get back to school, around a 40 city tour with USA Olympic team, starting in
mid September. They will be in DSM, Nov 14, I'll be back home in Texas then. Chow is ready
for more Olympics, he was quoted in today's paper. Shawn's web site www.shawnjohnson.net.
Shawn on stage, greeted by coach Li.
The Stage at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, attended by 7,000.
the Nadas performed, free of charge. Local band.
Shawn's parents with NBC local sports broadcaster, Keith Miller.
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