Busy girl here in Iowa. One week of heading up tours for the 7th graders at the Historical Society Museum..one week
end in Waterloo for state bowling, a week end in Madison Wisc for graduation, cleaned the graves on Memorial Day,
then a month of getting ready for a garage sale next week end....Whew...In the mean time, lots of rain. water in the
basement, not too much, but I lost a 10 by 20 piece of carpet and padding.
Lammert Lake was out of her boundary TWO days last week.....let's see if I have a photo.........
First photo shows most of the back yard, 2nd one my tomato/green pepper/ionion garden with my nearly 60
year old peonies on their own island and the last photo....24 hours later.....Both days, Thurs and Sunday rain took
24 hours to evaporate into the earth., I assume harvest will be late August or early Sept, if at all. The onions look
good at this stage. Can't put in my flowers, zinnias, for the butterflies and hummers.....
Garage is full and I still have a ton of stuff to add. That won't get done this time, might have to hold another
sale in July......I just hope the rain holds off this week end......
Water levels in Polk County and Iowa are near the levels of 1993 when we had the 100 year flood.......the levee
broke on my birhday.....
6 years ago
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