Clayton thinks that women have had hundreds of years trying to make it right
and get into the White House. He thinks there are some problems and hopes it
can be worked out now or it might not ever happen.
I wonder why the TV networks can't give the women the same headlines that
they give the men? Why are there many bracket contests for the men's
NCAA event? Old school people love the women's game. No show off slam
dunks to get into the pro game. The women play defense and run plays.
Can we make a decision about border fences? Last week a coyote stole a
truck, filled it with 20 people wanting to come to the USA. The driver
drove across the median of an interstate highway to get to a short cut,
plowed into an SUV, three killed, the driver and several passengers
made a run for it......the driver made his escape. This is another
tragedy. We need to do something to avoid these accidents.
The people of Mexico and Central and South America
want a good way of life. How can we help them?
Carry on
Monday, March 31, 2008
Some Questions
Posted by Cyndy at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Great Photo Opportunities?
So my first tomato plant this year is
NOT going to make it, the second batch of
a half dozen are INDOORS. a man and his
dog on the beach at 7 AM a few hours
before sunset. The neighborhood buns
gathered to watch the work to lift up
the 5th wheel knocked over by a bad foot
on the gas not the brake. Old man on the
beach in his speedo. The jail bait guys
wear baggies, the old men that think they
are HOT, wear the skimpy shorts.My
neighbors were fishing, the lighthouse at
Port Isabel in a great angle, more good
use for John Deere equipment under spring
break advertisements in the air. Anyone
need a ghost shrimp for fishing????
YES, my daily job, try to get up early
enough to go to the beach for sunrise. Have
to fix a pot of coffee first. The morning is
filled with chores getting ready to leave for
home on April 15. Lunch is back to the beach
for at least three hours. Back to the nearly
empty park for a shower, cocktail hour and
dinner..........then the fun begins.........
NCAA basketball........after tomorrow night
we will be down to eight teams. The men have
all of their #1 seeds advancing, two of the
ladies teams have been sent to the final 8.
AND.....MONDAY AFTERNOON I hope I can yell
"CUBS WIN"!!! That's right, baseball season
began tonight in the new DC field. Cubs start
at 1 PM on Monday......GO CUBS........that
means lunch at home tomorrow......go figure.....
Carry on......Cyndy......sand in my toes........
Posted by Cyndy at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Time is advancing
I can't believe that it has been two weeks since my last entry. OH MY!
Echoes from Osakis.....OH MY!
Buyers still stalling, but it seems like the commitment
is valid and maybe we will close soon, or April 12.
Photo opportunities have been great lately. I am not
adapting to daylight savings time. sunrise is about 737 am.
Wow, that's the time I was born! anyway, this morning was
inspiring. Up too early to get in the groove, but caught
sunrise and a wonderful photo with one of the beach
birds in part of the sun. Did my regular afternoon activity,
lunch on the beach. Probably a few hundred folks in the
water and three jet skis. Where is Blanton Meyercord when you
need him? No dolphins spotted in the bay this entire week.
I still need to walk to the end of the jetty one day, if it
isn't too in water over the jetty. Will try again
to post the video......carry on spring is here, it will
warm up in the upper midwest and melt the snow..........
the video didn't take, so you have to see good sights on
the beach, a new lilly and an accident, foot missed the
brake, a neighbor from Michigan..........carry on........
Posted by Cyndy at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Last Rent Paid Today
WOW, where has the winter gone?
You folks up north are saying YEA! I can't
believe it is time to start packing to go home.
I was hoping to head out earlier but with the
buyers of the mobile home looks
like we will NOT close on March 26. With some
strong words, I might have to put up the For Sale
sign again. The neighbor came home this
afternoon and backed into their spot. Her foot
slipped off of the brake, BAM! she hit their
5th wheel, knocked it off the hitch, broke all
four stabilizers, punctured the water tank,
dented up fenders on the truck and 5th wheel.
She was distraught and he was home, tossed out
of his chair, but OK. Great way to have a party
in the neighborhood and meet new people!
My new neighbors are a lot of fun, they are
socialable, drink, have cocktails, sit outside
and help me.
a sad note.......BIG RED IS DEAD.............
Posted by Cyndy at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Out For A Walk
The other night I went for a walk, rather
a bike ride around sunset.I was a little
early, had to wait almost an hour before
the sun went down. Now with daylight
savings time, when will the sun set? Enjoy.
Posted by Cyndy at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
It Is March and Spring Breakers are Here
I have tried to post news and photos in Feb to no luck. I have
four bars, but no luck. Feb was full of an abundance of trips to
Alamo city offices, Hidalgo county offices, Mercedes to visit
friends, a couple runs to Mexico, brother Greg was here for a
week and we golfed and went on a boat ride. All of this kept me
busy and when I tried to load photos, no luck...........March 2,
2008 and the start of Spring Break. Yesterday was Saturday.
I went to Wally world for stuff and saw about a hundred college
kids shopping......they each had a case of beer and a bag of ice
under their arms. Today as I drove to the convention center for
the car show, the kids were walking along the boulevard......
a foursome, two had food, one had ice and one carried the beer.
When I was in college, I went home for the spring break. First
year at JFK, we were in Gallup, New Mexico, playing BB in the
national tournament. finshed #7......long before the NCAA we
know today.......I had to move over the week end. someone had
reserved my original spot for March and April. 2nd day in this
spot and NO ONE has moved into my old spot. Oh well, I have
been able to meet the new men in the neighborhood. Don't know
where the women are at, they don't come out to visit.......
Hopefully at the end of March we will have a closing on the
mobile home and in the middle of April I will be heading Alaska.......NO.....north to the Ozarks and maybe
a stop in Vinita, Ok., to fight with the dealership that sold
me the "truck from hell".........New family members since last
posting...Liam is making his home in the Indianaplis area instead
of in the womb. Big sister Kallie loves little pickle......
Drew is walking now and just told us that he will have a brother
or sister come next September. We will never see Gramma Marla
in Iowa again. Oh, same as me, no living in Iowa November
thru April during snow season. I love to brag about the home
state Hawkeye Women's BB team. They won out and tied for first
place in the Big Ten. They will go into the tournament as the
#2 seed. Should they win their first two games, they will probably
meet up with Ohio State in the finals and we all know that the
third time is the charm......Hawkeyes will win that game #3.....
So, I am rambling, but since I can't post photos...........I even
tried to post a video, no luck........
Take good care ya'll........from the beach...........sand in my toes!
Posted by Cyndy at 9:01 PM 1 comments