Just another photo from the cabin in Colorado.
The RV will be here any minute now. It might be here,
but the man did not call. I have a new TV, a Sony Bravia,
a small Shark vaccuum, an indoor/ outdoor thermometer
like I have in the house, some new utensils for the kitchen,
and this wonderful stained glass candle holder that I saw
at the farmers market. I had just purchased my truck when
I saw this item, "Don't let your dreams be just that......."
So perfect for my decisions on my current future life. I am
sure everyone has said this before, I think I will go to______
for a visit or I'd like to live ____________. That's what I am
doing.....A new venture, maybe a new homestead. No more
dreams, I am going to do it, while I can.
My new home for the winter will be on South Padre Island,
Texas. I spent at least one day a week over there last winter,
so I am going to stay full time this year. The mobile will be
put on the market and I hope we can sell it fast.
Ya'll are welcome anytime, I have room for two in a hide-a-bed in
the living room. With the super slide out, I have a nice sized LR,
not cramped. I think I will buy some grass.....aka green indoor
outdoor carpet, to put under the awning, to cut down on the
dust, dirt, salt and sand........
I can't wait to get going........on the road........November 14...........
a few more photos of what I did last winter, riding the bike along
the shore line, stopping at Dolly Parton's in Branson, the beach and
the waves and the gulf, those birds on the golf course.....this summer at
state HS BB, the father of the Ankeny Hawk on the left.....we played
ball together in the summer co rec league. This young man is a
HS Jr, he was just a baby.......th interstae between Denver and Breck..
On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again........
I'll drive my Ram to the ocean and it won't be dry, a good old girl
drinking martini's on the beach, singing this will be the place I will
live....happily after ever after.....
Aloha ya'll..........
6 years ago
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