Monday, June 04, 2007

A Lot Has Happened Since Last Blog


Since the last entry, my last Aunt passed away. She was 92 and lived in Arizona.
She and her husband left Illinois in the 40's and did not come back. He came back
one time and Aunt Dutch came back maybe four times. She was my mom's last
liviing sibling. She is buried in Prescott, AZ, along with the ashes of her husband.
I was able to visit her at her home in Florence, AZ., about five years ago, I assume
the last family member to see her.

I was able to golf with my dear friends Mark and Marla over the week end. Marla
was home from AZ and her grandson. We didnt' play good golf, but we had fun.

Ladies golf league was OK, but we need to talk to some of the women who do not
move along.....When this course opened, we walked 18 holes in just over 4 hours.
In league play, we are lucky to get 9 holes done in three hours!!!! We had a five some
last week, I walked, and we were on the tail of the three some ahead of us all night

The pros are here this week...The Principal Champions event, the senior tour. I hope
to go out for one day. If we had the practice time, we could all be smooth like Freddy,
et al.......

SO...keep your head down and follow through.......have a good week...........C


Marla said...

Mark mentioned that pro event in Des Moines and I told him to go! What are the dates??? He loves stuff like that and I am going to urge him to attend one day! Marla